Study tips for the distracted student

Header image for Interrobang article CREDIT: JESSICA THOMPSON
Studying for exams is a stressful time for any student, but if you follow these five simple goals it can be a little bit easier.

For most students at Fanshawe, midterms are over, which means there is a bit of down time when it comes to workload. Making it through all of the midterm exams and assignments can definitely make it so that the only thing you want to do is watch Netflix and chill. As tempting as this may seem now, final exams and those last few assignment due dates are going to creep up before you know it. Here are a few things to keep in mind to help keep you focused in the last few weeks of this term.

Set a study goal

Whether it is the amount of time you are going to sit and focus on your notes, or how many pages of work you want to get through, set a goal. Once you reach that goal, you can relax and take a break, without the guilt looming over your head that you should be studying and doing more work. If you know that you have a scheduled break coming as soon as you reach your goal you will be less tempted by distractions around you.

Set a maximum break time

This goes hand in hand with the first goal. Once you have sat and studied for long enough to earn a break, set an amount of time that you are going to allow yourself to break for. An easy break can be something like scrolling through Instagram or Facebook. However, beware of social media or things like Netflix and YouTube that continually suggest what you should watch next. These temptations can quickly lure you in to a black hole of clicking on videos or new social media pages. Setting a timer on your phone with the maximum time you allotted for a break can help prevent you from getting carried away with whatever it is you choose to do for your break.

Create a schedule

If you have multiple things on the go for all your classes, create a schedule of what you plan to accomplish through the day. By managing your time this way, you will be able to stay on track and have a visible list of what needs to get done. Anytime you feel yourself getting distracted or losing focus, take a look at this list to remind yourself of what you should be getting done.

Use sticky notes to stay on track

So much of the work students do is on the computer. This means that distractions are just one click away. Put a sticky note in the corner of your computer screen or on your phone to remind you to stay focused on the task at hand. Remember to try and wait until your break to allow yourself to be temporarily distracted by things on your phone and computer.

Don’t be afraid of looking at your calendar

Sometimes the workload just seems like too much to tackle and you would rather just put your calendar away and forget about all the work that needs to get done. Finals can be a stressful time, so rather than trying to forget about the work that you need to do, face it head on. The sooner you get to working on all your tests and assignments, the sooner that overwhelming stress will slowly dissipate.

By following these few tips, you can be sure to stay on track through the final weeks of this term. Remember, there are a lot of things that need to get done before the holidays, so keep on track by setting goals and taking breaks. Don’t let yourself get distracted by the temptations of social media.