Five reasons to get into photography

Header image for Interrobang article CREDIT: ALLISON PEARCE
This photo is an example of finding beauty in something we would usually overlook.

Thinking about getting into photography but not quite sure yet? Wondering, “What’s the point?” Photography has many benefits on both you and your surroundings. Here are five reasons why you should be pursuing photography right now.

1. You notice more

One thing about photography that is quite incredible is its ability to allow you to detach yourself from life and just look. You’ll start to notice patterns, light and textures all over that you would have never noticed before. This will open up a sort of beauty in your surroundings that went under appreciated before. You may even start taking pictures and capturing the beauty of things other people never really quite looked twice at.

2. You capture history

When you’re taking pictures, you’re documenting history. I know it’s sort of a long stretch, but you’re recording what daily life is like in your surroundings. The ability to capture great pictures means you can document your own personal history in a much more beautiful and honest way. Births, graduations and other family events that you wouldn’t normally hire a professional photographer for are now equipped with one. Taking pictures is an excellent way to preserve memories.

3. It’s therapeutic

It’s no doubt that photography, much like any form of artistic expression, can be therapeutic. It allows you to stop and meditate on your surroundings. It gives you the ability to freeze on a moment in time. Taking photographs can detach you from reality for a while. It allows you to pay attention to what you’re drawn to in the world, and allow you to ponder on why. Photography can allow you to discover more about yourself.

4. Time travel

If you’re not a big fan of taking photos, perhaps it’d still be worthwhile to get into observing them. Photographs have an amazing power of allowing you to travel through time. Each photograph represents a moment in history, however insignificant it is. The saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words,” has a lot of meaning. Each photograph can tell a story, and also leave room for speculation to the observer. Looking at photos also gives us a moment to reflect on the beauty of the subject, and appreciate the beauty and diversity here on Earth a bit more.

5. Allows connection with others

Taking someone’s picture is a very intimate experience. You’re capturing a person in their most honest state, and sealing them in time. A lot of people feel very sensitive about having their photo taken. So when an individual allows you to do so, it can be a very bonding moment. The camera definitely allows you to get closer to others.