The no-fail green smoothie recipe

Header image for Interrobang article CREDIT: JESSICA DIK
Maybe this will spark a smoothie craze in you. Who knows - give it a try.

WATERLOO (CUP) — With the end of term quickly encroaching, it seems way too time consuming — and thought consuming – to eat healthy. It’s easy to grab a burrito and some days we find ourselves at Starbucks more than once a day. But as your OSAP is running out and summer weather is on its way… there is an easy and cheap solution for you – green smoothies. They are a quick way to make sure you are getting the good stuff in you. Your brain and body will thank you for it.

If you are lucky enough to have a Magic Bullet, you really can blend and go. But for those with a simple blender, it’s great to make a big batch, store it in the fridge for two days and then just re-blend. Life can get crazy busy, especially trying to make it to those 8:30 a.m. classes. Follow this green smoothie formula for healthy and tasty drinks to help you power through until the end of exams.

When you make your first couple of smoothies, don’t just throw ingredients in, chances are it will taste disgusting. Use a measuring cup, or if you don’t have one a small glass to ratio what you’re putting in. The trick here is to put more fruits than leafy greens in – go with a 60/40 ratio.

Blend the greens and liquids first to avoid chewing your greens, then add the rest of the fruits and boosters, then blend again. Another hint is to freeze your leafy greens, so they don’t go over the hill before you use them all.

Skip the ice and use frozen fruit for a more chilled smoothie. See those brown bananas on your counter? You can add those in and it’s a great way not to waste ripe fruit.

If don’t want it to taste too green then you could add natural sweeteners like honey or even fruits with extra sweetness like mango or pitted dates.

Follow these tips and your experience with green smoothies will be love at first sip.