Sweet Tweets of the Week (April 6)
What's your favourite board game?
Michelle Bujold @michellebujold
@fanshawesu #fsuinterrobang Candyland
Loretta Mon @MonLoretta
@fanshawesu fave board game is Sorry and Monopoly #fsuinterrobang #fanshawe
Katherine Fischer @KatherineFmusic
@fanshawesu the game of Life cause I’m never a broke college student in that life. #fsuinterrobang @interrobang_fsu
Alyssia Simpson Monopoly, although my family not got through a full game without wanting to kill each other!
Kelly-Rose Hawthorne Cranium!! Over a few drinks it gets interesting
Kimberley Eden Boddy Naus Catan is our ultimate game of choice!!
Stephanie Dyck Cards against Humanity!
sarahenglehart Monopoly is my favourite!
kenz_doherty The Game of Life!
_estew Disney Sorry!
atolie I love hungry hungry hippos! But also Clue
selene_mayhew Apples to Apples!
imlacey Newest fan of Catan! It’s actually amazing #gameofourgeneration #catan @gameofourgeneration
tara_belleville_69 Cards against humanity or monopoly
Next week: What are you looking forward to most after exams? Answer with a tweet using #FSUInterrobang by 2 p.m. on Wednesday, April 8 and you will enter a draw for a $10 Oasis/Out Back Shack gift certificate. Must be a current Fanshawe student to win.
Michelle Bujold @michellebujold
@fanshawesu #fsuinterrobang Candyland
Loretta Mon @MonLoretta
@fanshawesu fave board game is Sorry and Monopoly #fsuinterrobang #fanshawe
Katherine Fischer @KatherineFmusic
@fanshawesu the game of Life cause I’m never a broke college student in that life. #fsuinterrobang @interrobang_fsu
Alyssia Simpson Monopoly, although my family not got through a full game without wanting to kill each other!
Kelly-Rose Hawthorne Cranium!! Over a few drinks it gets interesting
Kimberley Eden Boddy Naus Catan is our ultimate game of choice!!
Stephanie Dyck Cards against Humanity!
sarahenglehart Monopoly is my favourite!
kenz_doherty The Game of Life!
_estew Disney Sorry!
atolie I love hungry hungry hippos! But also Clue
selene_mayhew Apples to Apples!
imlacey Newest fan of Catan! It’s actually amazing #gameofourgeneration #catan @gameofourgeneration
tara_belleville_69 Cards against humanity or monopoly
Next week: What are you looking forward to most after exams? Answer with a tweet using #FSUInterrobang by 2 p.m. on Wednesday, April 8 and you will enter a draw for a $10 Oasis/Out Back Shack gift certificate. Must be a current Fanshawe student to win.