An insider's guide to street photography

Header image for Interrobang article CREDIT: ALLISON PEARCE
Here, the photographer seeks contrast and gives the subjects space.

Street photography, which are photographs that depict humanity in public spaces usually in an attempt to trigger an emotional response from the audience, is a growing form in the world of photography. What makes a successful street photographer? Following these tips will help you get a better grasp on capturing the world around you.

1. Use a wide-angle prime lens

Leave that zoom lens at home. The beautiful thing about street photography is allowing yourself to enter into another person’s reality. Using a wide angle lens allows you to get as close and personal with your subject as you can – without freaking them out – because it can allow you to frame them in your shot without it looking like the camera is pointed directly at them.

2. Seek contrast

Try to find scenes that represent a contrast: old and young, rich and poor, standing and sitting. Juxtaposition is a beautiful thing and street photography has a tantalizing way of showing the humorous irony found in everyday life. Try to use this contrast to your advantage when framing your shot. This will allow for an intriguing picture almost every time.

3. Be courteous

Try to always be respectful to the needs of others and understand that some subjects may not want their picture taken. Being confronted by an individual who did not appreciate having a camera pointed in his/her face by a stranger is a rite of passage for every street photographer. When in doubt, ask for permission from your subject. Be aware though that making your subject aware of the fact they are being photographed can take away from the candid quality of your shot.