Avoiding colds and flu this winter

Header image for Interrobang article CREDIT: STEPHANIE LAI
There are services on campus to help for students who are sick, like the Fowler Kennedy Medical Clinic located at SC1001.

Living in Canada means that with all the joys of the winter comes the potential for contracting colds and the flu. Just because others may get it doesn't mean that you have to.

There are a few simple steps you can take to stay healthy, and if you do get a cold or flu, services on campus are available to help you get back on the road to recovery.

With a full academic load getting the right amount of nutrition and sleep are still critical. As students, you know all about stress from multiple demands on your time. Managing and effectively reducing your stress can make a big difference in staying healthy this season.

Even simple things like frequently washing hands and avoiding friends who are not well can make a difference. It sounds simple, but by focusing more on being healthy you can avoid getting sick.

In the event you do get sick this winter, you can access the various health services we have on campus.

The Fowler Kennedy Sport Medical Clinic in the SC building is available to you Monday to Thursday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Friday from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.

There is pharmacy on campus in the event you are given a prescription after your visit.

These services provide students with a full range of services similar to what you would expect in a typical doctor's office with the convenience of being on campus. You can still get a flu shot at the clinic if you want or need one.

We hope you have a successful and healthy semester and are able to avoid being slowed down by a cold or the flu this winter.

To find out more about the health services available to you at Fanshawe you can check out the web at www.fanshawec.ca/healthservices.