Health Habit of the Week: Running toward a goal

Q. I am a Police Foundations student and I need to improve my 2.4 km run time… help me!

A. To improve your run time, you should perform CV exercise either on the treadmill or running outside at least three days a week, and for at least 20 minutes and work up to 40 minutes. You should run at a pace of at least 60 per cent of your max heart rate. To find this out, use the following formula:

- 220 — Age = Max Heart Rate

- Max Heart Rate x 0.6 = 60 per cent of your Max Heart Rate

It is important to exercise above that 60 per cent (but never over 85 per cent of your Max Heart Rate). You can use a treadmill to monitor your heart rate or take a 10-second count on yourself either on your wrist or neck and multiply that number by six to get your heart rate. You should also set the treadmill setting to a 2.4 km goal and monitor how fast you can achieve it to know how you are progressing, or use a stopwatch to time yourself outside.

Submitted by Paul M., John D., Troy M. and Mohammed N.