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1. D'OH (Homer Simpson)
The sound of stupidity that is iconic as the character who says it, Homer Simpson has uttered this phrase to viewers hundreds of times, confirming his intelligence level to anyone who dares question it.

2. Bite my shiny metal ass (Bender b. Rodriguez, Futurama)
The laziest, mouthiest human appliance ever built, Bender would rather have his feet up in front of the television, fuelling his body with beer after beer, than do pretty much anything else. Any of his co-workers who need him to serve his function knows exactly what it is they are going to hear in return.

3. Oh my god, you killed Kenny! (Stan Marsh, South Park)
In the early years of the program, poor Kenny McCormick could not live half an hour of his 10-year-old life without meeting a grizzly end. Again and again he would die, leaving his friends behind to express their sorrow in the only way they knew how.

4. I love it when a plan comes together (John 'Hannibal' Smith)
The leader of the A-Team and a master strategist, the dashing John Smith was will always be remembered for his habit of surveying the scene of victory, whipping out a fine cigar and expressing his satisfaction.

5. That's what she said (Michael Scott, The Office)
For years, no one could say anything like “This is hard” or “I need to get in” without someone responding with Michael Scott's signature line from The Office. The neurotic manager of the Dunder Mifflin Paper Company would jump at every opportunity to scream this out to his co-workers with the childlike enthusiasm that made him such a beloved character.