From The Falcon's Beak

We're finally coming to the end of winter - what's your favourite thing about spring? #FalconFinally

Winning response:
Ashley ‏@ash__gamble
Warmer weather and no snow! #FalconFinally

Jordan ‏@jordanallems19
A warmer walk to the beer store #falconfinally

Ryan Daly Drinking Beer outside again

Ashley Tyler The baby animals and flowers blossoming

Rebecca Masters Not having to bundle up to go outside or shoveling the driveway

Kelsey Sales Playing in puddles

Shana Lea Flowers and sunshine !!!

Rachel Deller Picnics outside!

Claire McLoughlin Summer clothes

Rachel Balkwill the fact everything is coming back to life

Desarae Essex being outside and actually enjoying it

Gin Cao Maple syrup trip to a Canadian farm:)

Ellen Gray taking my dog out for a nice long walk.. without slipping on ice.

Cory Hamilton Cant wait to play some ball hockey

Jacey Deanna Gurr My favourite thing about spring is getting rid of the bulky winter clothes!

National Potato Chip Day is March 14th — if you could make up any potato chip flavour, what would it be? Tweet using #falconchips or respond to the Note on our Facebook page ( before 2 pm on Wednesday, March 5th, 2014. You'll be entered into a draw for a $10 Out Back Shack/Oasis gift certificate. Must be a current, full-time Fanshawe student.