Beauty Boy: Shaking up your skincare routine

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A proper skincare regimen will benefit your skin’s overall health, and it’ll also make makeup application much easier.

Clean and healthy skin is an important aspect to your overall health. You should be taking care of and maintaining your skin every day.

One of the most crucial things when it comes to your makeup is your skincare regimen. If your skin isn't properly cleaned and moisturized, your makeup will suffer and won't look like you want it to. A basic skincare routine has three steps: cleanse, tone (or soften) and moisturize. However, there are other steps you can add, such as exfoliation, treatments, serums and masks.

The first basic step is using a cleanser, which helps rid of dirt and oil from the skin. Cleansing should be performed twice a day: in the morning and at night. There are a few types of cleansers you can try, depending on your skin type, so it's really important to use the proper one. A cream or milk cleanser is best for those who have drier skin; its richer texture will clean the skin without drying it out. There are also gel or foam cleansers which are best suited for people with oilier skin. The last type of cleanser is most feared: an oil cleanser. Oil does an amazing job at removing unwanted oils and replacing them with ones that are very nourishing for the skin. The best part is an oil cleanser is suitable for all skin types, even the oiliest!

The next step to the skincare routine is toning or softening. While some would say this is a very old-fashioned method, it really does improve the skin's health. A toner will help remove any excess cleanser, will restore the pH of the skin and will also help your moisturizer absorb much quicker. When choosing your toner, make sure it is alcohol-free or else it can strip your skin.

The final basic step is to use a moisturizer that fits your skin type's needs. Just like cleansers, there are many different types. A balm or really rich cream is best for those with very dry skin or a mature skin. A cream is best suited to a dry or normal skin type (this type of moisturizer can also include an SPF). The next most common types are a lotion, gel or cream-gel, which are a lot lighter in texture and are best for combination or oily skin types.

To boost your skin's appearance even further, use an exfoliator and mask at least once a week. Start with an exfoliator that will clean deep down in the pores as well as remove any dead skin. After that, apply a mask that will remedy your skin concerns (hydration, clay, anti-aging, peel, etc.), and you will see results much more quickly.

There are so many different skincare lines out there, so do your research and find one that works best with your skin and your budget. Once on a proper skincare routine, you will start to see results very quickly and will also see how much better your makeup application will become.