Health Habit of the Week: Tummy toning tidbits

Q. I want to lose weight around my belly area. How can I do this?

A. First and foremost, you are not alone! Feeling insecure about weight around your abdomen is a very common issue. Unfortunately, you cannot spot-reduce fat. Fat distribution is controlled by hormones that are carried through our blood in our circulatory system.

That being said, there are lots of ways to tone your tummy and your whole body at the same time. Try introducing a cardiovascular activity three times a week into your weekly routine, such as walking/jogging, riding your bike, rollerblading, or ice skating — anything that gets your heart pumping for at least 15 minutes. Also try to incorporate fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, healthy (unsaturated) fats and lean protein into your daily diet. If you are looking for an exercise to strengthen your core, try the plank.

Submitted by Brittany Feather, Melina Muth and Sarah O'Neil.