Be your best: Guide to de-stress success

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It doesn't matter if you're studying Nursing, History of Puppies or Clown Comedy 101, school brings a lot of stress into your life. Keep your mind at ease with these few simple tips.

Disconnect from technology:
Our generation spends an awful lot of time staring at screens. Whole days are made up of checking out Facebook and Twitter on your laptop, looking at cat pictures while watching Netflix, and then deciding to take a break from technology... only to repeat everything on your phone. You're just trading one screen for another, and this causes stress. Did you know that it's recommended by doctors to look away from your screen for 20 seconds every 20 minutes of use? (I'll give you a moment to laugh as hard as I did when I read that.) Go for a coffee with a friend or just sit in the park without staring at your phone. It'll go against everything you know, but take time to just turn off the technology and enjoy the moment.

Break away from routine:
Day in, day out, it's the same old thing. Like Ralph and Sam on Looney Tunes, you clock in, do your work, clock out, then head home to rest for tomorrow's workday. It's easy to get stuck in a rut, so make sure to get out there and shake it up a little bit. Go ahead and go out on a Monday night, head downtown with your friends in the middle of the day, take a road trip, stay up late and go bowling on a Wednesday! Class might be at 9 a.m., but it's college — enjoy the opportunities while they're here.

Head outdoors:
Before the days of Netflix, Tumblr and Candy Crush Saga, there was a simpler time when people used to play outside. Children from around the neighbourhood would gather at the park and play for hours before the streetlights came on. The whole day was filled with using your imagination, going on bike rides and travelling down railroad tracks to find dead bodies and be ambushed by a group of bullies. So head outdoors and take a walk or bike ride; not only will it clear your head, but it will give you some much-needed fresh air after being cooped up inside all day. Maybe you'll even see some beautiful nature scenery or animals that aren't on a BBC documentary.

Eat healthy:
Pizza isn't good for you, no matter how many vegetables are on it. After a long day at school, the last thing you want to think about is making yourself a healthy meal, but it doesn't have to be that hard. Ditch the Kraft Dinner and take some time on Sunday to prepare some healthy meals in bulk, and then just put them in Tupperware to eat throughout the week. Invest in a slow-cooker; put all the ingredients in the cooker in the morning and your meal will be ready to eat when you arrive home. A few extra minutes of preparation will make all the difference when it comes to your health and happiness.

Soak your cares away:
As you look at your bathtub, I can tell that the last thing you'll want to do is sit for more than three seconds in that pile of filth. Grab some Ajax and clean that sucker out, and it'll be well worth it. Add some bubbles, a scented candle and your relaxing music (I suggest John Mayer) and hop in to unwind. If you're a guy and don't want to be made fun of by your roommates, head to the YMCA or any other gym and hit up the sauna or hot tub. The heat will relax your muscles and give you time to unwind, meditate and collect your thoughts after a stressful day.