Managing $$$

OK, so you've moved to London and have a fat bank account with no rules in sight. How do you make that money last as long as possible before you need to beg mom and dad for more?

Fortunately, there are a number of ways you can avoid the dreaded “insufficient funds” message while trying to get your eat on.

You can thank me later.

Make a budget:The first step in managing your money is to draw up a budget that allows you to see where your money is going, and how much you have to work with. Also, by separating the important items (rent, tuition, etc.) from the non-essentials you will be able to see how much spending you really have. Still think you can afford that 50” plasma in your bedroom?
Pay Your Bills: I know, a no-brainer. But you would be surprised how quickly your bills can add up. Late fees are costly, and when working with a relatively small budget every single dollar counts. As well, feel free to fish out your credit card from your wallet and hire an assassin to take it out. Quickly.
Emergency Flow:Wow, did this one ever mess me up first year. Illness, homesickness, whatever the case may be, plan to have money set aside every month. If you drive, make sure you plan for when your vehicle pops; it will, and probably at the worst time.
Shop Smart:Remember how your parents would keep a stash of coupons from cereal boxes and penny-saver ads, and you swore you'd never be so uptight? Well, welcome to responsibility. Do you really need those new shoes? Eating out every day? All I'm saying is check your budget and make sure you aren't screwing yourself over. All that “penny saved, penny earned” talk — it's legit.