HUBBUB showcases students' visions for London

Header image for Interrobang article CREDIT: EMILY STEWART
Sneha KC, Paul Lee, Gisella Lee, Lucy Chen and Ben Lee in front of their community improvement plan (CIP) for Hamilton Road between Mamelon Street to Sackville Street at the HUBBUB showcase at City Hall on Dec. 6.

Students from Fanshawe College, Western University, Huron University College, Kings University College and Brescia University College have shared their visions for London.

Two committee rooms in City Hall were filled with people eager to learn more about the students’ projects as part of the CityStudio London HUBBUB showcase.

Mischa Schlemmer, the manager of CityStudio London, said in a speech that London is the newest CityStudio location. The organization has locations across Canada, Europe, and Australia. CityStudio encourages students to become engaged within their community and launch experimental projects matching the city’s goals, while also building relationships and shaping culture.

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Ward 4 City Councillor and Deputy Mayor Jesse Helmer said that a previous attempt to launch CityStudio London fell through. He and his wife Kate Graham, who is in the running for Ontario Liberal Leader, travelled to Vancouver to meet with Duane Elverum of CityStudio Vancouver to ask how they could bring CityStudio to the Forest City. The pair returned to London and Michelle Baldwin, the executive director of Pillar Nonprofit Network, was on board.

Helmer said that that several global challenges surrounding housing, climate change, and population all happen within cities.

“We’re going to have to figure out how to solve them together,” he said during his speech. “This is how we’re going to do it— is with all the kind of talent of the people in this room.”

David Belford, the executive director of Fanshawe’s Innovation Village, said CityStudio and the HUBBUB showcase provide hands-on experiential learning, matching the College’s mandate.

“They’re working with the organizations in the community on issues and problems and opportunities that are really important to the community,” said Belford.

Fanshawe students across three different programs presented their projects regarding measuring Power BI, creating community improvement plans (CIP) for Hamilton Road, and a marketing and business plan to preserve and add new purpose to vacant heritage buildings.

GIS and urban planning students in three groups presented their Hamilton Road CIPs for three separate sections of the area. Each group looked at the demographics and the building conditions of their section, and used their research to determine how the community can be more vibrant so families want to move there.

“It’s a great means of realizing how GPS technology works and how you can collect information with it,” said Jacob Smith, a GIS and urban planning student. He added that much of the semester consisted of learning how to create a CIP and how it’s used by residents, business owners, and the municipal government.

Matt Schell, a student in the honours bachelor of commerce program, said that creating a marketing and business plan raises awareness for heritage buildings and get the attention of someone possibly interested in leasing the building and using it.

“It’s really important to make sure that London’s heritage is still preserved just because it’s a part of our history and we want to be able to keep them— not leave them empty as an eyesore.”

Jo Ann Capoqioan, a research and evaluations student, said that using Power BI software compares London’s median to that of other municipalities and eliminates the need to look at other figures.

“Power BI can be really useful,” she said. “It’s a powerful tool to easily present, to decision makers and policy makers, which areas that London needs to improve on.”  

There will be another HUBBUB event featuring more projects scheduled for April 2020.